Showing posts from March 26, 2017
The FAO Agroecology Knowledge Hub
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(Image courtesy of ) The global food system is in a sticky situation because agriculture must fight both malnutrition while the world population is always growing and more pressure on natural resources. In the past we have simply pushed to produce more food, but now with the added difficulty of climate change, we need to try something else. We need to develop food systems that are helpful to the economy as well as not having a bad impact on the environment. Agroecology is based on strengthening the bonds between plants and humans by implementing ecological concepts. By making these bonds, Agroecology can not only increase food production but also increase food security and nutrition and in turn, help cultures adapt to climate change. Prepared by Owen
Disinformation is Worse than Misinformation
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" we should listen to each other" Jim Hoggan, the founder of DeSmog, was curious how people could ignore the downsides of oil and still buy it. Many of us point to misinformation spread through fake news stories on Fox, Facebook, and Breitbart, but he says that is in fact “disinformation.” Conservative news outlets say that the there is no concrete evidence and that the scientists aren’t being objective, and why should you trust science that is not concrete? He is worried about unity and community because of how our brains have become “us” or “them." He says the path to solutions is through realizing that the other side are real people with real and legitimate ideas and values, and that we should listen to each other. < > Prepared by Josh An Organization Worth Looking Into
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- Other Apps is a website that aims to support resilience building in communities against the decline of cheap energy, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are linked to these. They describe their website as a community library as well as a vibrant cafe with space for people to discuss their ideas. Their work is based on the work of the Resilience Alliance which is an academic organization that leads in the field of ecosystem resilience. They are an offshoot of Post Carbon Institute which educates communities about issues of the 21st century. Prepared by Josh
Donald Trump With Fossil Fuels
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“Since inauguration we’ve seen what can happen when people in this country mobilize: Trumpcare? Withdrawn. Muslim ban? Blocked” -Jamie Hen (Image from ) This article pretty much roasts Mr. Donald Trump and talks about how he has approved things that are going to “take away our rights for clean air and water”. It mentions how he has also approved things that release tons of fossil fuels into the atmosphere and make the air sometimes toxic. Overall this was a brief article on how Donald Trump is accepting all of these deals with companies who want to release toxic gasses into our atmosphere, and how this can eventually ruin our planet. Donald Trump approved the federal permit for Keystone XL. mobilization-against-trumps- fossil-fuel-agenda/ Prepared by Alan 2015 Annual Report
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" Only an ever-increasing movement of people, everywhere on Earth, is capable of changing a status quo as entrenched as the traditional fossil fuel economy." In the article “2015 annual report”, the author, May Boeve, discusses’s achievements during the 2015 calendar year. The organization looked to 2015 as a crucial year. That was the year global emissions were supposed to peak, and as such, it took on special significance as a milestone for their work. After the first major attempt at a global climate treaty collapsed in Copenhagen, 2015 was established as the new deadline. The author explained that 2015 actually exceeded their expectations, and that there was a period in which there were calls of “Victory!” for the planet. Overall, this article states that 2015 was a crucial year for and for the planet; big steps towards global climate awareness such as the Paris Agreem... An Organization Worth Looking Into
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A Movement for Good is an organization that is trying to build a global climate movement that holds our leaders accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice. 350. Bill McKibben, who wrote one of the first books on global warming for the general public, founded organization in 2008. The number 350 means climate safety: hopes to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere from >400 parts per million to below 350. is an organization that is focused on keeping carbon in the soil, building a new, more equitable low-carbon economy, and to pressure governments to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere. They are focused on stopping global warming, and healing the soil from all the unnatural chemicals that are being put on the things we eat. They al...
FAO: Managing Climate Change
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In this Article the FAO is saying that as climate change evolves and grows food and agriculture must keep up. With the different and strange weather patterns, it is becoming even harder to predict rain or drought and this is greatly affecting the production of agriculture. And at the same time the world’s population is increasing and by 2050 we would have to of doubled our production rate of crops. We also need to adapt our food systems to stop climate change learn how to make our crops more resilient to droughts and heavy rains. Did you know that 45 million people in the world are in poverty? Link to article: a-i3866e.pdf Prepared by Hudson Photocredit:
FAO: an Organization Worth Looking Into
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The Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)is a branch of the united nations. That focuses on finding new ways to harness renewable energy and helping people in need. The FAO also works towards making sure that all people have access to food regularly. The FAO has three main goals 1. To eliminate hunger 2. To get rid of poverty 3. The sustainable management of natural resources including land, air, water, and climate. Prepared by Hudson The Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO), is a branch of the UN that focuses on tackling the environmental issues of our world. They were established as a specialized UN agency in 1945 and have been dedicated to their three main goals ever since. Those goal are to end hunger,food security and malnutrition, eradicate poverty and driving forward economic and social progress for all. Prepared by Owen
No One Wants Dirty Air
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Michael Brune began the article by explaining that President Donald Trump had signed an Executive order on Tuesday, March 27th, nullifying most of Obama’s actions that were working toward diminishing the climate change issue and obscene air conditions. The US was actually close to meeting its goal of clean power plants but as of Tuesday, those ambitions and steps are gone. The new Sierra Club Analysis of Department of Energy jobs data makes it evident that Trump is actually diminishing and taking away more jobs by reducing clean air acts and increasing the fossil fuel industry. Brune states that Pruitt’s agency validated the fact that the clean power plan will lower electricity rates and save billions of dollars. Trump, is working to demolish the clean power plan which would result in multiple disasters including an increase of un-clean air and an increase in money spending and power usage. Brune concludes that although an increase in the coal industry will ...
“Clean Energy”
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This article was written by Kiley Kroh, and published by Think Progress. Donald Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has been saying that there's such thing as “clean” coal and that we are not hurting the environment. He is quoted saying “We’re not hurting the environment. If you look at — is there such thing as clean coal? Well there’s no such thing as clean energy — even wind comes at a cost if you want to talk about migratory birds and cutting through.” Of course, then Zinke decides to bring in China. He talks about how China is not producing “clean” coal and that we need to send them coal from the U.S. because than it will be “clean”. He is quoted again saying “But coal, can we do it better? Absolutely. But it is better to export cleaner coal overseas than to have China use low-quality, high sulfur coal. So if you want to look at how to protect the environment it is better to use cleaner grade coal, made in the U.S., than it is for China, which is building coal power...
EcoWatch: An Organization Worth Looking Into
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About EcoWatch EcoWatch is a website that is focused on taking care of our planet. They happen to be the number one leading environmental news site. This site was originated in 2011, and before that they were published in newspapers since 2005. The news is collected by more than 50 media companions, and all of them work to increase the word from hundreds of environmental and science organizations. They mention and point out that they are a Certified B Corporation. Meaning that they are a limited liability corporation. Also, they have a variety of articles ranging from politics regarding climate change to everyday health. If you are looking for a nice variety of topics relating the planet, and everyday news about climate change, this is a fantastic source. Fun Fact!!: EcoWatch is a 1% for the Planet member. (Which is a site which donates and arranges marches for climate change.) Statistic: Since 2011, EcoWatch has gained more than 1 million viewers. Quote: “EcoWa...
Think Progress: An Organization Worth Looking Into
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Think Progress is a website that has many very interesting articles that relate to today's most recent news. They specifically include articles for climate, politics, LGBTQ, racism and the Supreme Court. You are able to sign up and write your own post about recent news too! You are also able to post videos and you can get access to any article on their website. prepared by Piper
Organizations Worth Looking Into
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Drawdown Solution s Regeneration International The Marin Carbon Project World Wildlife Fund National Geographic Rodale Institute FAO Climate Progress Ecowatch Permaculture Solutions for Climate Change Greenpeace Environment Blog Sierra Club Climate Central The Guardian Carbon Cycle
Denial of Carbon-Caused Climate Change
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This article is about how the new chief of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has made a statement that carbon dioxide is not the primary cause of climate change. It said that over 7 scientists studied Scott Pruitt’s claims and all of them said that he was wrong. It mentioned how the Democrats were seizing the opportunity to claim that Pruitt was unfit for the position. Overall, it shows all sides of the situation, but all of the facts and studies point in one direction, backward for the Republicans. "Anyone who denies over a century’s worth of established science and basic facts is unqualified to be the administrator of the EPA." -Brian Schatz Statistic: The planet’s average surface temperature has risen above 2 degrees fahrenheit since the late 19th century. https://www.washingtonpost. com/politics/epa-chief-carbon- dioxide-not-primary-cause-of- warming/2017/03/09/9968b2da- 04e2-11e7-9d14-9724d48f5666_ story.html?utm_term=. c3d8df4124d9 ...
Farming and Climate Change PowerPoint Links
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Climate Change Data Spirals / Time Lapse of Arctic Ice Information about Carbon Dioxide Versus Methane and Nitrous Oxide Traditional vs Conventional Agriculture Video (Awesome Soundtrack) Sustainable Agriculture Can Feed the World. Debunking the myths of Corporate Ag. Marin Carbon Project Video Mob Grazing - Holistic Resource Management with Alan Savory The Soil Solution Video ttps :// / watch?v =Us3G-08LC68 ttps:// / wa...