How does the chemistry of carbon relate to global warming?
A carbon atom has a nucleus like most atoms, and inside the nucleus contains protons and neutrons. Around the nucleus, is the inner shell. The inner shell has 2 electrons. That’s all that shell of the carbon atom wants/needs. On the outer shell/cloud are 4 valence electrons. What makes an electron valence is that it’s on the outside shell/cloud. The carbon atom wants 4 more valence electrons, therefore it means it has 4 open “hands.” Its good to keep in mind that every atom wants 8 valence electrons, so much to the point of stealing another atom’s electron. The oxygen atom has 6 valence electrons and wants 8. Therefore has 2 hands open. Carbon dioxide (CO2) results when two oxygen atoms share valence electrons with a single carbon atom. Carbon dioxide is a gas at normal temperatures and when biological processes create carbon dioxide, the gas escapes to the atmosphere. Methane (CH4) is a gas that is made up of 4 hydrogen atoms sharing valence electrons with one carbon atom. Methane is...