FAO: Managing Climate Change

In this Article the FAO is saying that as climate change evolves and grows food and agriculture must keep up.

With the different and strange weather patterns, it is becoming even harder to predict rain or drought and this is greatly affecting the production of agriculture. And at the same time the world’s population is increasing and by 2050 we would have to of doubled our production rate of crops. We also need to adapt our food systems to stop climate change learn how to make our crops more resilient to droughts and heavy rains.

Did you know that 45 million people in the world are in poverty?

Link to article:http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3866e.pdf

Prepared by Hudson

Photocredit: http://www.fao.org/climate-change/programmes-and-projects/detail/en/c/328984/


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