Bring Back the Farm!

Quote: “Restoration can mean the return of native vegetation, the establishment of tree plantations, or the introduction of regenerative farming methods.” Author Unknown.

Fact: Farmers are leaving their land behind and not caring for it. 

Stat: 950 million to 1.1 billion acres around the world could be restored and create a better environment for crops.

This article started out by explaining that a lot of farmers are turning and leaving their land behind. All over the world, farmers are leaving their land behind and not caring for it. The land needs more care and work to keep the healthy plants and vegetables alive and well. 950 million to 1.1 billion acres around the world could be restored and create a better environment for crops, but farmers do not have enough money or motivations to keep them alive. The author goes on to explain that if more farmers would return and restore their land, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere would lower, and we would be able to bring back a healthier living style. The author concludes the article by stating that programs that help farmers in need at a time like this, are very useful and highly recommended. Therefore we should motivate the farmers and start programs and/or donate to programs who support the farmer’s necessities in order to keep their farm alive and to not just let it go.

Prepared by Emily


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